1:18 Can Am Wheels and Tire Set

Sold Out

GMP is proud to offer our die-cast collectors a new line of road racing memorabilia to compliment our already existing line of 1:18 scale vintage road racing sports cars. Straight from the GMP Parts Department, this 1:18 scale tire and wheel kit is specially designed to fit onto our 1:18 scale die-cast trailer's tire rack. But don't let that stop you. Use this tire and wheel kit to dress up any of our 1:18 scale McLaren road racers, or to complete a special display or diorama you may have. The possibilities are simply endless. This kit contains two sets of spoke rims and tires both front and rear sizes.

  • ModelYear - 0
  • Availability - Sold Out
SKU: 9009 Category: . Tags:

GMP is proud to offer our die-cast collectors a new line of road racing memorabilia to compliment our already existing line of 1:18 scale vintage road racing sports cars. Straight from the GMP Parts Department, this 1:18 scale tire and wheel kit is specially designed to fit onto our 1:18 scale die-cast trailer's tire rack. But don't let that stop you. Use this tire and wheel kit to dress up any of our 1:18 scale McLaren road racers, or to complete a special display or diorama you may have. The possibilities are simply endless. This kit contains two sets of spoke rims and tires both front and rear sizes.